VFAS-524 Virtual Fighter Aviation Squadron


The Details, and Your Rights
Courtesy: G-1 and G-2 Offices

Punishments | Law Of The Squadron

The Court Martial

These guidelines may change from time to time without notice.

A general court-martial can be composed of a military judge alone (Squadron Staff Officer), or a military judge and not more than five impartial personnel. Of these five impartial personnel, two will be members of the Squadron Staff (CO, XO, G-1, G-2, or G-3) and three will be squadron "members-at-large." "Members-at-large," are members of the squad who are randomly picked and asked to perform this duty (similar to a jury). A general court-martial can hand out any punishment listed below, or may combine the punishments. If a trial with jury members cannot be arranged fast enough, the single judge format will prevail.
If a majority of the convening members declare you AWOL (Absent Without Official Leave) by popular vote, several rights may be waived. Among these waived rights may be, the right to be present at all hearings concerning you. If you are AWOL, you might not show up and the trial would last forever. Other rights may be waived on a case-to-case basis.
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Your Rights

The rights of the accused are based on the law and constitution of the United States Of America.

  1. Your rights before judicial proceedings include, but are not limited to:
  1. Being present at all hearings concerning your case
  2. being considered innocent until proven guilty,
  3. remaining silent and being informed that if you do make a statement, it may be used against you in a court-martial,
  4. being represented by a public defender (a fellow officer),
  5. being protected from double jeopardy (being tried twice for the same crime),
  6. calling witnesses on your behalf,
  7. having your sentence reviewed by a neutral third party,
  8. having a speedy trial,
  9. being informed of all charges against you,
  10. challenging members of the court as to their neutrality
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Types Of Punishment

The following are forms of punishment which may be delivered by a court-martial for violation of the rules.

  1. Reprimand: The convening authority of a court-martial may punish a pilot by censure. A reprimand is a severe form of censure that reflects adversely upon the conduct of the person addressed.
  2. Loss Of Numbers: Loss of seniority. Reduces you in rank to the position specified by the convening authority.
  3. Confinement: Confinement removes the pilot from ladder competitions and kill boards for three months. No awards can be earned during this time
  4. Punitive Separation: This form of punishment results in the convicted pilot immediately being removed from the Squadron and discharged with a dishonorable or bad-conduct discharge as soon as possible
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The Law Of The Squadron

  1. Article 1: Absent Without Leave. Any pilot without authorization who leaves the squadron without contact for more than three weeks will be punished as a court-martial may direct.
  2. Article 2: Disrespect towards a superior officer. Any pilot who knowingly disrespects a superior officer will be punished as a court-martial may direct.
  3. Article 3: Willfully disobeying a superior officer. Any pilot who willfully disobeys a lawful command of his superior officer while that officer is in the execution of his office, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
  4. Article 4: General Article: Any pilot who becomes involved in:
    1. all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and discipline (for example: not reporting a violation of these laws) in the Squadron
    2. all conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the Squadron:
    3. crimes and offenses not capital, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
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